today i went to watch My Chemical Romance live in singapore. My first rock concert. oh i'm so not a virgin anymore :P.
Their music is so good, and Gerard actually sounded slightly better than he does usually when he's live. He shouts into the mic every time! it's no wonder he makes the audience sing some lines, gotta recover the voice luh. though they didn't do anything spectular, maybe it's cause they weren't used to singapore, the on-tour keyboardist did really spectular though, he played some rachmaninov-esque music and actually sang a little during the short interval when the band went backstage to rest and get more drunk i suppose. I had so much fun hopping to the music.
besides jumping and singing along and being manipulated by gerard to wave our arms around, i released why live shows are so popular. just watching the musicians on stage doing their thing, having fun, doing what they love to do, made me realize that i actually felt closer to them in some odd way, since they were actually there in person. not more than 15m away, than 20m than 40m away (we moved back cause ying couldn't see) feeling someone's presence is much greater in person than being separated by a glass screen and many pixels. I guess that is why i love to watch theatre, way more than i like to see movies. that actual spirtual presence, you can feel it, the person's presence.
I think it was really worth the $100 bucks, sorry lads, you'll be getting trashy romance novels for christmas :p, and it was definitely fun watching gerard drop an octive on 'teenagers' when he couldn't keep the high pitch on the last chorus. gives me hope, and reminds me we're all still human. though Iron maiden's bruce dickinson is still like god-like. his range is impressive, reaching high tenoric notes and his variety of styles, is wow! GO LISTEN NOW..
tomorrow i shall have a sore throat. Good night ladies.
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