Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Midnight Random Surprise Supper

It was always such a typical scenario at the House of Thio, then one doesn't get surprised anymore. Walk into the living room, greet God-mummy, and she replies with, 'Hi dear, you're just on time, now cook.' And before your know it, Bob's your uncle and you're flipping sausages, bacon and eggs in the kitchen.

These sausage, bacon and eggs are typically followed by humourous and joyful conversation and much discourse about anything under the sun. What is a family without laughter? Obviously a very boring one.

I shall miss my second home very much while I'm away.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

misanthropic much.

I don't feel like doing much today, or being anyone or anything real. I just wish the earth would swallow me up. Today seems like a waste of my time.

I don't really want to recall or remember the events of yesteryear though they swim through my brain vividly. there's nothing left anymore. I don't know. feeling so misanthropic. I turned that segment of facebook. I'd turn off facebook but i want all my links.

Maybe today will be but a dream. I can wake up tomorrow in Oxford, late for clinicals. Maybe Kiera knightly would've made me waffles for breakfast. Hey, I'm still dreaming right?

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Bees are annoying creatures. They molest plants and steal sweet nectar and facilitate plant copulation. YES, they make PLANT SEX happen. Disgusting creatures. I had one come bother me yesterday. I was busy, minding my own business, sharing with some young ones why communion in the hand was an evil creation, when one decided to come investigate my distal appendages for nectar. Rather uncomfortable experience with the honey making creature caressing one's digits in search for some non-existent sweet viscous liquid. I must have early-onset diabetes or something. Obviously, this rather petulant behaviour on my part is due to the yellow and black jacketed creature's unwitting reminder of another sort of homophone.

A year ago, another sort of Bea fluttered around me, and that was a rather great day. I didn't really want to remember that day, though I do. I don't know what happened to the Bea, perhaps she flew overseas. I don't know.

365 days ago.

Happy Feast of St Jean-Baptiste de La Salle