Friday, April 27, 2012

Work is getting to me.

Work is getting to me. Here's what happens when I study too much.

We're been doing the reproduction system and embryology. I really like embryology. The language is so full of life. I think it's difficult to be an embryologist and study the miracle of conception and still come to the conclusion that it's merely a bunch of cells.
When the egg is fertilised by the sperm, above, the head of the sperm actually fuses with the egg and the contents, that is the father's contribution to the DNA of the new child enters into the cytoplasm of the egg. Then it is called a Zygote, which is from the greek, ζυγωτός, meaning yoked, or joined. 
And then 24 short hours later, the single cell zygote divides into a two cell zygote, now called the 'Conceptus, which is rather obvious what it means.
The part about the calling it a zygote can be expounded theologically. I'll leave that to you.