Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Some Goals for 2010

This should have been up earlier, but it was difficult to sit down and type during the course. I was too busy attempting to maximise whatever little time bestowed upon me. Anyway 2009 for me was a pretty uneventful one, so I am hoping to making this year very eventful. I think my ORD might be adding to the motivation, anyway here goes.

This year I intend to:

Get reallly fit.
by 31st july
1. Drop to my ideal weight(95kg)
2. run 2.4 under 10 minutes
3. get back to a 14s 100m sprint
4. bench 120, squat 180, dl 160, 70 sp
5. hit 15 pullups

by 101210
1. lose my tummy
2. play for the 2nd grade.
3. have adv. diving

1. be more frugal
2. save more than 2k.


1. learn piano or violin
2. improve my pitching/ear
3. improve my sight singing
4. sing with SDG more

1. expose at least 5 young people to the Tridentine Rite
2. learn more apologetics
3. continue to discover God (most impt)
4. pray more...

I also hope that I will get a chance to spend more time with my family, my 'old' family and my newly met most lovely cousins!

Get my driving license.

Hopefully when I review this at the end of the year I will be able to cross out most of these.

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