Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Future?

I have just been having a very depressing conversation with C about the sordid state that traditional minded Catholics in Singapore are facing. The truth is that our little community is held by a thin glue that barely justifies the community.Where we should be coming together and forming our own community and actually make an impact in the diocese, we are spread far too thin in our own parish commitments and against great opposition to basic teachings of the church, never mind what language they are thought in. I do not underestimate the effort that is put into these commitments, they are some of the most noble and commendable efforts, and I know, because I too am part of this effort to provide authentic instruction for the youth. Though, that comes at our peril, often we stand alone in these communities, are see as the far too conservative lone voice against the popular uninstructed crowd. We make our own spiritual lives, keeping the office, adoration and Mass at the centre of our lives, but we do not have the community, and any efforts to create one are sidestepped by commitments. I wonder if our efforts are misplaced. I honestly believe that it would just take a small group of people who are willing to meet once a week to sing vespers, do some spiritual contemplation and have supper, and that will build, but it will require some sacrifices. Perhaps, it is that sacrifice that many are unable to handle, to remove oneself from the much needed community of our neighbourhood parish. Maybe, I am asking for too much.

However, that is the truth. No one is willing to make a move. Today, was the monthly prolife Mass. C, who organised it, told me no one turned up. Not even anyone who was/is on the original core team. We can't even put together something that is not far from the things most mainstream Catholics believe in, how do we maintain our community? I wonder what will happen when Fr and Fr, who are both greatly advanced in age, will no longer be able to say Latin Mass for us? How long more will they be around for? They are both over eighty. When they go, what will happen to our community? Most of the servers with vocations would ideally like to enter the FSSP, who do not have a community here. All the traditional Singaporean priests are ministering abroad. I wonder if our traditional Catholics will also seek jobs overseas where they can at least foster their spiritual life. This is a great frustration for many of us who are seeking more, who need more. Even I am tempted to remain in Europe, possibly even in Dublin, so that I will have access to things spiritually edifying.

Perhaps, I am too selfish in my desire to see actual practising Catholics in Singapore. We are definitely nowhere near the dire state that much of Ireland is in. There are many baptisms every year at the Easter Vigil, even if they never completely understand the basic tenets of the faith. I wonder whether I should just learn to compromise and suffer in silence. However, one does not simple compromise the truth. I felt the prangs already, when I was back over the last two holidays. It is probably to the point where one seeks edifying homilies and instructions through other means, where one questions whether one can seek a local priest for spiritual advice knowing the shady theology with which they lead their lives. Whatever it is, someone needs to make a move soon. The biological solution, unfortunately, does not only work on errant priests. The clock is ticking.

Our Lady, Help of Christians and Queen of Priests, pray for us!

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