Yes, yes, I know should be practicing my Mathematical Induction, but I’m not. Hahahaha. Instead I’m here writing about smiles and other nonsensical events in life as well as finally making proper use of my photoblog. Btw, if you’re wondering why my posts seem to have almost no spelling errors is because I’m typing them in Microsoft word. It has better paragraphing than blogger.
Apparently I don’t smile enough… so I was practicing my abhorrent smile at a reflective window when I realized that it’s a bigger strain to smile than to frown. Maybe its just me, or maybe most people find it easier to frown, yet I know frowning using more muscles than smiling(which already needs over 300), see my under worked cheek muscles. I don’t even have laugh lines yet; and I love to laugh, but I don’t have frown lines either, much to my annoyance. Well I promise that when presented with that choice of smiling or frowning I will flash that smile. Maybe if I practice enough I’d manage to swoon some girls with one bright pearly white flash… ahhh who am I kidding?

So anyway the week is finally at a close, I’ve joined my new class, 1SC8, but I still am cadging for SD2, my dearest SD2, how I miss you. Though I can’t pule for them forever, I do miss my friends since I’m the only SD2er in the SC8ers(that’s skaters) and the only rugger in class, but alas and alak, what am I do to in this cruel world?

Oh SD2, how i miss you.
I’ve also brought my portraiture project to a close. I may not have as many in my collection as I’d like to, but I have learnt a great deal of skills from the project. That and the sad fact people are scared to recorded on camera as themselves. Though Estelle and Sharyl have done a really nice job here being themselves :P

Moving on, this picture is the eventful culmination of the $6 that Shu and I spent in total for 45 mins at Sentosa, where we were more have out than actually in it. We didn’t even see ANY sand. Hahahahaa oh well. This is probably one of the top 5 shots from that day, today it’s not really a scenery shot or I’d have used it for my competition. Sometimes you just need some to see someone enjoying the scenery
And that the last one is a picture from the Bangkok tour. I finally made my sordid debut for ACJC, well I’ve got lots to work on, but it doesn’t matter I had an unforgettable time there with my roomie, Jotham and the rest of the team. I don’t really care for the tradition that men are not supposed to show any attachment lest they are seen as weak. I love my team and I would die for them. So there. You can sue later, but real men actually have emotions and they express them. And yes, wanton need to destroy raffles is an emotion.

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