Thursday, November 01, 2007

Tonight. Madness. (the lousy rant post time)

the tens were cancelled. bloody hell. Training was essentially fun, skipped physical and went straight to team runs. Even i got a run, till luqman decided he was not tired and went back in, he probably thought i was having too much fun.  the new balls suck. We got new pads too, and took them out for a run. I can personally tell you how they felt, seeing as how i was the one holding the pad and didn't get a chance to hit it. I swear it was like BRING DOWN THE FUCKING GIANT DAY. I spent that part of training do my best to throw them to the ground, it's not easy to really tackle with a pad. Dammniit why did tens get cancellled????

yesterday at the gym, i got my shoulder press technique corrected, to go all the way to the full range of motion. I didn't really understand jiao lian, as you all know wo de hua yi shi hen char, in any case, this other guy present explained it to me later, telling me about full range of motion and stuff and how the 300 guys were trained (the movie 300? ya that one.) I tell you it's pure madness. they got that look in 8 weeks, their discipline is god like, go check the guy who trained them at if you don't believeee me.
Gonna get fit...real fit. just watch.

I cannnooot believe i missed the actual halloween! i did catch the fake one on sat night.. hahaha pics are up finally =D (but it was oh so wrong)
go see..

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