Sunday, February 10, 2008

There's a hole in the world like a great black pit.

and it's filled with people who are filled with shit
and the vermin of the world inhabit it,
but not for long....

and you all should've watched.
if you haven't go now. they cut out scenes though, the singapore side that is. ): it could have been longer too, if they had used all the songs.

i think the most erie thing about the movie is that i watched without care of concern for the vicious killings. a classic revenge tragedy it was. as for the killings, the murder, there were no qualms, it was so...normal. do i have a serial killer in me?

while i highly doubt it, it's still dredging thought, i can watch hannibal and feel for the boy, despite his madness, i watched dexter and feel a connection with his inability to connect with society, his need for killing and violence, the mask which he puts on and hides his face. I do it too, it's an automatic response, when confronted with especially strangers, the small talk awakens, i laugh at their ill attempts at jokes and silly remarks and later i wonder why i did all that.

and i'm happy that this year i'm less dreadful of the day that love was commercialised and commodified. There's no Hweeyi to make me dread the day and be full of regret. Though i still wonder what i saw in here, that sparked a silly forest fire? yet, I'm sad, another year will go by, and i'll be trapped in another circle, no dinner on the night, no outing for me. a date with books is all i'll have most probably. maybe a miracle will happen who knows. for now i'll be looking for a candle holder and a good sandwiche.. we'll probably be at it the whole night...

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