Monday, December 24, 2007

my last advent song.

Come, Lord Jesus
sr. Miriam Therese Winter, SCMM

Christ come quickly, there's danger at the door.
Poverty a plenty, hearts gone wild with war.
There's hunger in the city and famine on the plain.

Come, Lord Jesus, the light is dying,
the night keeps crying: come, Lord Jesus

Want demands a hearing in far too many lands,
The sick go unattended, death deals a heavy hand.
The dreams of men are empty, their cup of sorrow full.

Come, Lord Jesus, the light is dying,
the night keeps crying: come, Lord Jesus

The world awaits in darkness a mighty burst of light,
To set the lame man leaping, to give the blind man sight.
We have the prophet's promise, we await the Prince of Peace.

Come, Lord Jesus, the light is dying,
the night keeps crying: come, Lord Jesus

The clouds shall send a Saviour like soft falling rain,
Yet mighty in his power, to free us from our chains.
His shield will be compassion, his weapon liberty.

Come, Lord Jesus, the light is dying,
the night keeps crying: come, Lord Jesus

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