Sunday, December 02, 2007



It is over. 3 months of preparation and much set backs and bouts of laziness and depression, but I did it. And I am proud of my time and I'm happy with myself. Heh I didn't think I would be able to even finish in 3hrs. Thank you God.

Running long distances is not just boring, it's extremely boring, but today, it was really a beautiful day, as i ran through the first 7km, i watched as the sun rose high, and you know how much i love sunrises (much cooler than sunsets), she rose among really lovely clouds, painted by the hand of God. As we passed the bridge it was just spectucular, I would have stopped and just stared.. but you know i was busy running. There also these nice people giving us encouragement, a band played the phantom of the opera as we hit 6k. I think God really blessed me today. The scenery, the atmosphere, and just having so many people around took my mind away from the run.

It's really key to have a distraction when running, draw your focus away from your swollen feet, your heavy aching muscles, the numbness that your lower body is feeling. haha i think apart from God, the only reason i got through the race was the banana at 13k! haha and after that the promise to go have FOUR kani kaarage temaki later at Yoshuku. heh it's nice to treat yourself.

And I did. I proved to myself that i have the resilience to defeat life. Go screw yourself ms tan! I've got the determination that you can't see(: Though, i also ran for another person today. Kito Aya(1962-1988). A japanese girl, who at the age of 15, was diagnose with spinocerebellar ataxia, the degeneration of the cerebullum and spine, resulting in the lost of a motor function, so slowly, can you imagine having an illness which you know cannot improve but only slowly progressively decline? She wrote her diary everyday which was compiled into a book called 1 rittoru no namida (1 litre of tears). The book was later turned into a japanese drama of 11 episodes. It is so sad, you should go watch it. Her life is really inspiring, it makes you appreciate the little things you take for granted everyday. The abilty to walk, talk, or write. the independence these gifts give us. That's why today i ran for her, for those people who cannot run. I can still run, i can still walk, i can still think, i can still do so many things and i will keep on doing those things, because i can.

appreciate yourself today. go now!

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